About Us

The Massachusetts Lions Low Vision Network is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people affected with Low Vision in our communities.

What is Low Vision?

Low Vision is permanently impaired vision that can’t be corrected by glasses, surgery, or contact lenses.  It can be caused by age-related conditions, congenital conditions, acquired brain injury or other damage to the visual system. Fortunately, most people with these impairments have some usable vision.

Challenges for The Low Vision Community

Through extensive research, the Lions discovered that there is large percentage of the Low Vision Community that is underserved. They are not referred to services that can help them make the most of their remaining vision.   

Who We Are

We are a non-profit, joint program of the Massachusetts Lions and the New England College of Optometry. We are dedicated to offering services, and in some cases, financial help to the Massachusetts Low Vision community.  

The Lions, whose motto is “We Serve,” are the largest service organization in the world and have been around for more than 100 years. In Massachusetts the Lions have 250+ local Lions clubs that have a strong reputation for serving their communities and always working to improve  the quality of life for all residents.  

The dedicated service of the Lions together with the Low Vision Network creates a powerful support system for our community.

Meaningful work that we are doing

Through community outreach programs, we are making presentations at Senior Centers, Senior housing complexes, schools, etc. to make people who have this condition aware that we can provide help in ways that will improve their quality of life.


MLLVN collaborates with many related organizations to develop the best solutions to improve the quality of life of visually impaired residents in our communities. Our list of partners includes:

Online donations coming soon.
If you are interested in donating now,
please email us at info@lowvisionnetwork.com